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About Me


I'm David Denholm, I have loved photography since I was a little boy. my father used to do photography for one of the Holden racing teams but that was long ago. My father bought me a camera for my 13th birthday and I love it. I still use it today. I have participated in a lot of photography competitions and won many awards during my time with photography. It’s because of these awards that I have decided to start this business & portfolio. I have managed to train myself in photography with a little competitive help from dad + guidance from other fellow photographers. I have experience in a wide range of photography styles, However! I am still looking to expand my knowledge into unknown territory. there are some styles I haven't touched base on some photography styles such as fashion, cityscapes, cuisine, night and modeling photography in general. Yes, later down the track I would maybe consider doing wedding photography but not for a long time.


for more info about me check out my blog/autobiography here


what sets me apart from other photographers?​

Quite recently I was asked a question that I have never considered "what sets me apart from any other photographer" And it really does get me thinking, I've talked to other photographers about how they have gotten into photography. and I guess my inborn talent: not all photographers are born with the talent to just pick up a camera, understand how it works and takes great photos. most photographers go to university, study photography and receive a certificate or diploma but if you have the inborn talent there's no need for that unless you want to get into a different aspect of photography Ie. weddings, macro, fashion etc. me personally, I just picked the camera played with the settings and took random photos, talked about why I liked them and tried to improve, you see there's a big difference between being taught and improving an inborn skill. 

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